In an increasingly dangerous world, it’s essential that your residential or commercial property in Dallas, Texas is prepared for the possibility of violent crime. From smash & grab crime to active shooters, crime can strike at any moment — DefenseLite provides essential protection. A retrofit polycarbonate security glazing system, DefenseLite applies over existing windows for seamless, unobtrusive, custom installation. 250 times stronger than glass and nearly invisible once installed, DefenseLite is the top choice for window protection in Dallas, TX.
DefenseLite is built from polycarbonate — a synthetic material consisting of polymers, providing impact resistance due to the carbonate structures in their chemical makeup. In turn, DefenseLite offers durable protection, from violent crime to debris and hail from storms. Installed using powder coating and custom edge banding, DefenseLite is nearly invisible upon installation, providing reliable protection with an unobtrusive aesthetic design — opposed to other options for storm window protection such as fabric and shutters.
Looking for a layer of glass protection built specifically to mitigate active shooters? DefenseLite offers BulletShield — a retrofit polycarbonate window glazing, independently tested to meet forced entry and meeting UL 752 ballistic standards. RiotLite™ — a retrofit, clear laminate for reliable riot protection — is another option for glass protection, composed of a thick film “stack” up to 36 mils and built with riots and smash & grab crime in mind.